Feb 23Liked by Theresa Brown

Hi Theresa - I just happened to see BLACK ANGELS in the New Books section at my local library yesterday and snapped it up. I'm always up for a new book on some aspect of the history of nursing! Haven't had a chance to start it yet, but now after reading your review I'm anticipating an enlightening reading experience even more. Thank you!

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Feb 21Liked by Theresa Brown

Theresa, you gave us quite an interesting mix of observations on this post. First, the education and professional development of new nurses, and the troubling losses in the workforce for a variety of reasons. You then provided an interesting book review of “The Black Angels”, which motivated me to not only request a copy from my library, but also to once again have a discussion about the past and present racism experienced by our colleagues of color. Finally, you shared with us your experience speaking Spanish on a recent trip, which once again emphasized the importance of going outside one’s comfort zone by continually learning new things, even when that process can be hard.

And you have done all this while recovering from COVID…bravo!

Great reading today, Theresa.

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